
Choosing a Copier for a Small Business

Let's slow down the everyday hustle for a minute and consider the differences between small businesses and their big-name brothers and sisters. Next to the huge companies and corporate goliaths, small businesses seem rather like the children of the business world: they're little, they require special kinds of care and planning, and their potential is practically infinite. Being part of a small business, as being part of a child's life, means being part of something unique, something still close to home and to heart.

Maryland Printers: Connecting to a Network Printer

In today's world, it's crucial for every company to be up-to-date with technology. Technology can either be the keystone of success or the basis of failure, and the difference depends on whether or not that technology is being used to the extent of its power. All the high-tech gadgets in the world still won't do any good if no one takes the time to understand how to use and apply them. Because of this, it's important to spend some time getting to know your technology--so read the box. Skim the instruction manual.

Computer Printer History

Everything has a story. Long or short, complex or simple, fascinating or lackluster—stories are all around us, and yet, somehow, we still manage to miss out on so many of them. Are we looking in the wrong places? Certainly we search between the covers of books, and though our literary appetites are appeased, we can't help but feel as though we're still missing something. Movies, songs, tales told around the fire—it's all the same. So where are the stories that are taking place around us, every day, coiling forward right before our eyes?

Why You Need Managed Print Services

Although every company is different, they can usually all agree on one thing: they are constantly searching for ways to get ahead in the business landscape. This eternal race means that companies of every shape and size are always on the lookout for a system, service, or technology that will combine productivity with cost-efficiency. In today's world, managed print service providers are quickly becoming the next big thing in business advancement. By now, you've probably heard more than a few things about managed print services.

The Truth Behind Multifunction Printers

One of the most popular themes in all of science fiction is the classic "machines in society" story. While these particular tales usually end in an eruption of technological chaos, it is no longer exclusively in sci-fi movies that we see machines as part of our everyday lives. Cell phones are responsible for everything from note-keeping to gaming. Computers interact with us on a complex and productive level. And, in the business world, a unique focus has been placed on printers; clearly, we've come to rely constantly on these machines for everyday tasks.

Is Managed Print Right for Your Company?

Let's face it: no matter how much we rely on our phones, computers, tablets, and touch-pads, it will always be printer technology that we turn to at the end of the day. Printers, copiers, scanners, fax machines, and anything else that works with paper--we need these machines to conduct the simplest of everyday tasks. We rely on print technology for communication, file keeping, note taking, and almost everything else that we could do with a piece of paper. As a result, we're all looking for ways to take care of our printers--and that's where a managed print service provider comes in.

Employee Highlight: Mike Goins

Hometown: Centennial, Colorado

Tell us a little about yourself:  I've been married for 28 years and have 2 children and just became a grandpa this month!  I've also been in the industry for over 20 years.

Years at UBT: 2 years

Choosing the Right Copier

For such simple pieces of everyday technology, copiers are extremely important. They are crucial parts of communication, information flow, customer support--you name a job or task, and a copier is likely to be necessary somewhere along the line. It is because of this importance that choosing a copier feels like such a huge task. Especially with the not-so-helpful opinions found all over the Internet, searching through the various kinds of copiers can seem like wandering through an endless maze.

Choosing Managed Services

Every business, from the largest brand-name Goliath to the smallest hometown start-up, is likely banking a lot of what they do on the miracles of technology. Computers, printers, Internet connections, and mobile devices are quickly becoming the technological keystone of business itself. Since we all know that tech of any kind has a tendency to act up when we most need it to work properly, having computers and mobile devices at the heart of our companies means that we need a quick and efficient way to both avoid problems and solve current ones.

Employee Highlight: David Sheehan

Highlight: Receiving the 2014 Operations employee of the year award and attending the Presidents Club trip to Cancun, Mexico.

Hometown: New Market, MD
